League Rules


  1. The League will consist of two Leagues A & B with teams as equal in number as possible. These separate Leagues, A & B will play singles match play with a team of 12 players each. The playing handicap limit for each player in a team is 24.0. The players should be listed on the team sheet in handicap order so that players play against players of a similar ability. The only exception to this rule is if the arrival time of two players means one is kept waiting and agreed by both captains on the day.


  1. In Leagues A & B each club will play each other once per season, either home or away, depending on the draw. Every third year there will be a re-draw of the Leagues – 4 Teams from League A will be drawn to play in League B and 4 Teams from League B will be drawn to play in League A.


  1. The home club is to reserve the tee from 16:00 – 17:45hrs. Matches can go out early, if space is available, but the match can be claimed if either player is not there by 17:45. Both team captains (if they agree) can use their discretion.


  1. Dress to conform to hosts club rules. Currently all clubs specify smart casual


  1. Matches must be played on the same evening at one club. The catering arrangements are to be handled by the home club.


  1. A mandatory match fee of £12.50 is to be paid by each player in each match.


  1. All matches to be played from the competition tees and they are to consist of 18 holes singles match play with full difference in handicap, strokes to be taken as the stroke index of the course being played indicates. When ladies play against gents the ladies play off the red tees and gents off the white tees and receive an addition to their handicap the difference between the ladies & gents course rating. Shots are taken by the person on the course they are playing on, i.e., off the red SI if being taken by a lady and off the white SI if being taken by a man.


  1. Team sheets must be available at he venue on the match day no later than 4 p.m., electronically if you can’t get there. Away clubs should send their team sheet to the home club two days prior to the match with expected arrival times of their players. This is to avoid any unneccessary waiting around.


  1. All players must arrive at the match venue before 17:45hrs, failing to comply will give the player’s opponent an option to either play or claim the game. Note: Rule 6 applies in this case. Meals provided must be paid for.


  1. Any club not having paid their subs by 1st May, their team points will not count until the subs are paid, and only thereafter.


  1. The responsibility for the completion and advising the Hon Sec of the results rests with the Home Club. The completed score sheet should be signed by both team captains and sent to the Hon Sec without delay. If sent electronically, the originals should be retained until the end of season.


  1. A player may play for a team based on home OR away handicap, but only one club per season, designated by the first club played for.


  1. Points will be awarded for individual games, 12 points per match to be divided between the two teams based on:
    1. 2 points for a win, 1 point for a half, 0 for a loss

Bonus Points are also awarded to each team’s match result on the following basis

  1. 4 points for an away win, 3 points for an away draw,
  • 2 points for a home win, 1 point for a home draw


  1. In the event of both clubs fielding less than a full team, no points will be awarded for the matches not played. In the event of one club not fielding a full team, they will concede two points to the other team for each missing player.


  1. If one club cannot field a team at all, then their opponents will be awarded their rounded average score (including bonus points) for home games if that match was at home and their average score for away games if that match was away after their remaining matches have been played. If a team is unable to play 50% or more of their fixtures, then all their results will be null and void.


  1. When an amateur plus handicap player meets a Professional, he plays off scratch. If professionals from each club play each other and do not have a current handicap, then they will play off scratch. Players must be at least 18 years old on April 1st in the current year.


  1. Fixtures are to be arranged at an AGM to be held in November each year. No fixtures to be after 31st July. The 1st week of August can be used as a contingency to allow for matches having to be postponed due to inclement weather.


  1. The Formula for the Leagues Play-offs is as follows. If clubs are tied in the League for either of the top 2 places then bonus points will be used to determine the positions, if still tied then the result from the club’s league game will be the deciding factor. Players from each team would have had to play at least 2 league matches to qualify to play in the semi-finals or final.


For the Kinder Cup

  1. League A Div. 1 winners will play League B Div. 1 runners-up
  2. League A Div. 1 runners-up will play League B Div.1 winners
  • League winners can choose home or away venue.
  1. The winners of each semi-final will play the final at the nominated club hosting the Play Off finals.


The High Peak Trophy

  1. This will be played for on Trophy Day, previously known as All Finals Day. The format will be as follows. Each club can enter one team of 4 initially though further entries may be allowed if other clubs are unable to take part. The format will be 2 from 4 stableford scores off 85% of the players course handicap.
  2. The winning team will receive the High Peak Trophy.


  1. The play-offs will be at the chosen venue on a date and at a time agreed at the previous AGM with meals available. It is desirable that All-finals day will be at the same venue and be a Shotgun Start, on a date and time agreed at the previous AGM.


  1. It was decided that prizes were to be awarded, at the conclusion of the playoffs, to the runners up as well as the winners. The prizes were to be the same (whisky glasses) for both, but the winners would have “winning team member” and runners up would have “finalist”; as before 15 glasses per team of 12. The extra three glasses allocated by the respective team captain


  1. The Leagues Bonus Point System will not apply to the Play-Offs. In the event of a Tie in either Play-Off, the result is to be decided by the first person named on both team sheets going out again in a sudden death playoff. This playoff is to start at the first tee.


  1. The administration of the league will rest with a committee consisting of one representative from each club. Each club has only one vote on the committee; The Hon. Secretary if not representing a Club may have the casting vote. Clubs may, if they wish, send more than one representative to meetings.


  1. Any disagreements between the clubs will be settled by the committee, at a meeting called specially for that purpose.


      • Club subscriptions are set at £40 for the year.